Mar 12Liked by Doug

Well stated.

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Mar 12Liked by Doug

I’m reading this as the Giants set up Davis in such away that if they got Chapman, they could release Davis and it cost them just 1.1 million instead of 6 million. And the Giants are dicks for doing so. Normally I’d say that just business but the tactics they used and you highlighted do seem sneaky? Also, Davis was ill served by his agent.

I think the bigger picture is that this is another chapter in which a Giant leaves with bad feelings about the organization. Each episode of Gausman, Wood, Crawford and Davis can be explained. Sort of. But when you add all these pissed of players (and those we don’t know about) to the churn and burn “Giants”, it creates a picture of…

A big bag of dicks!

I am equally fascinated by some fans on MCC contradictory stances of basing their support of Zaidi in part on the grounds that having a front office lead by a POC is a good in itself for progressive diversity and inclusion reasons while the same front office leader behaves in ways that are dickish to employees (labor). It’s a topic for another day or perhaps another substack, I suppose.

Anyways, what a dick that guy!

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Ayup, as us Vermonters used to say.

A Big Bag of Them.

Where's Marvin Miller when we need him?

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