With all due respect maestro, I don’t think most semi thoughtful fans think the Farhan Giants are a train wreck. It’s understood they have a bright thoughtful (usually) front office and their team is the personification of sound sabermetrics. Rather, it’s that they are so so mid. So boring. And the fact they continually finishing .500 is math telling us, “hey, that’s all I can do. If you want better than this, you need stars.” But nothing ever really changes bc the farm system is mid. Because Farhan’s skill set doesn’t extend beyond uncovering value to player development. Thats his shortcoming, really, the entire organizations shortcoming and nothing gets better than mid until the Giants become a top farm system. Until then we keep getting something between train wreck and not good.

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Maybe (definitely) I'm on social media too much, because I have seen a ton of garment-rending over the Giants, and people acting like they're basically the same as the Rockies, which they're not. On the other hand, I can absolutely see a really good argument for firing Farhan, so I don't know!

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Cromulent is a perfectly cromulent word to describe the Giants.

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